Who wants to play a game of "Psychic Telephone"?

When first starting to learn how to use my abilities my mentor would always find fun and creative ways to strengthen my psychic senses. This is one of the first exercises I learned, and I want to share it with you. Try it out, and pay attention to how your intuition is communicating with you. Good luck!

Here's how to play:

Take all the individual ring tones you have for your friends and family off your phone. Now when you receive a text or phone call, ask yourself internally who is calling. Make sure you give yourself a moment to feel, see, or hear the answer coming to you. Then look at your phone to see if you were right. Were you correct? How did the answer come to you? This is a great exercise to get to know the Clairs, and work these abilities out like a muscle.

If you heard the answer inside your head, you used your clairaudience (your psychic ears). If you saw a picture with the face of the person who was calling, that was using your clairvoyance (third eye), and so on.

Have fun!

Tiffany Reeds