Integrated Energy Therapy


What is Integrated Energy Therapy?

Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) is a holistic healing modality that focuses on the balance and flow of energy within the human body. Developed by Stevan J. Thayer, IET combines elements of traditional energy healing, Reiki, and therapeutic touch to facilitate the release of suppressed emotions and promote physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Key components of Integrated Energy Therapy include:

  • Energy Centers (Chakras): IET works with the body's energy centers, commonly known as chakras. These energy centers are believed to be interconnected with various aspects of one's life and well-being. IET practitioners focus on identifying and clearing energy blockages within these centers.

  • Angelic Healing Energy: IET incorporates the use of angelic energy to assist in the healing process. Practitioners believe that connecting with angelic beings can provide a powerful and loving energy that supports the release of emotional and energetic imbalances.

  • Cellular Memory: IET acknowledges the concept of cellular memory, which suggests that the body's cells store memories of past traumas and experiences. Through specific techniques, IET aims to release and clear these memories from the cellular level, promoting healing on a deep and profound level.

  • Integration Points: IET uses specific integration points on the body, which correspond to acupressure points. These points are believed to be associated with the release of specific emotions and blockages. By working on these points, practitioners aim to facilitate the integration of healing energy.

  • Emotional Release: A significant aspect of IET is the facilitation of emotional release. Practitioners help individuals identify and release stored emotions, allowing them to experience a sense of relief, balance, and well-being.

  • Empowerment: IET emphasizes empowering individuals to take an active role in their healing process. Practitioners may provide guidance on self-care practices, affirmations, and lifestyle changes that support overall well-being.



Getting the โ€œissues out of your tissuesโ€.

What are some benefits of receiving an IET session?

Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) sessions are believed to offer a range of benefits, both on a physical and emotional level. While individual experiences may vary, some commonly reported benefits of an IET session include the following:

  • Emotional Release: IET is known for its focus on releasing suppressed emotions and addressing emotional blockages. Clients often report feeling a sense of emotional release, leading to reduced stress, anxiety, and emotional burdens.

  • Relaxation and Stress Reduction: The gentle touch and energy work involved in IET sessions contribute to deep relaxation. Many individuals find that the session helps alleviate stress, promoting a sense of calm and inner peace.

  • Increased Energy Flow: IET aims to balance and enhance the flow of energy within the body. Clients may experience increased vitality, improved energy levels, and a greater sense of overall well-being.

  • Physical Healing: Some individuals report physical healing benefits from IET sessions. This may include relief from chronic pain, improved sleep, and a general sense of physical wellness.

  • Spiritual Connection: IET incorporates the use of angelic energy, and practitioners often emphasize the spiritual aspect of the healing process. Clients may feel a greater sense of connection to their spiritual beliefs or a heightened awareness of their spiritual journey.

  • Improved Mental Clarity: The release of emotional blockages and the balancing of energy can contribute to improved mental clarity and focus. Clients may find it easier to make decisions, process thoughts, and experience a greater sense of mental well-being.

  • Enhanced Self-Awareness: IET sessions often involve reflection and awareness of emotions and energy imbalances. This increased self-awareness can lead to personal growth, self-discovery, and a better understanding of one's own patterns and behaviors.

  • Support for Life Transitions: IET is sometimes sought during times of significant life changes, such as career shifts, relationship challenges, or loss. The sessions can provide support, comfort, and guidance during these transitions.

  • Promotion of Healing at a Cellular Level: IET acknowledges the concept of cellular memory and aims to release stored memories and traumas from the cellular level. This can contribute to a profound and holistic healing experience.

It's important to note that while many people report positive experiences with IET, it is considered a complementary therapy and should not be used as a substitute for traditional medical or psychological treatment. Individuals interested in IET are encouraged to seek qualified practitioners and discuss their health concerns with healthcare professionals.


What you may feel after an IET session:

After an Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) session, individuals may experience a variety of sensations, both physical and emotional. The responses can vary from person to person, and each individual's experience is unique. Common feelings reported include a profound sense of relaxation and calmness induced by the gentle touch and energy work during the session. Emotional release is often a focus of IET, leading to a cathartic release of suppressed emotions and a sense of lightness and relief.

Individuals may also notice an improved mood and a greater sense of well-being after an IET session, as the release of emotional and energetic imbalances contributes to a more positive outlook. The session aims to balance and enhance the flow of energy within the body, resulting in increased vitality, energy, and a general sense of rejuvenation. Clarity of mind is another reported effect, with individuals experiencing mental clarity and a heightened ability to make decisions.

During or after an IET session, individuals may feel warmth or tingling sensations in various parts of the body, which are often associated with the movement of energy. The incorporation of angelic energy in IET may lead to a deeper sense of connection to spiritual beliefs or a heightened awareness of one's spiritual journey. Physical tension may be released, providing relief from conditions such as muscle tightness or discomfort.

Some individuals describe the experience as a profound healing at the physical, emotional, or spiritual level, resulting in a feeling of wholeness and balance. It's essential to approach the experience with an open mind, recognizing that the effects of energy healing modalities like IET can be subtle and subjective. The specific sensations and feelings depend on the individual's current state of well-being, and openness to the process. Communication with the practitioner about any experiences or sensations felt during or after the session is advisable.

The effects of the session may continue to integrate for up to several days following the treatment. During this time one may feel energized, light, focused, tired, unsettled, or somehow have a sense of being in transition. Thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations may continue to surface as the body adjusts to its new energetic patterns. All of these experiences are good and normal parts of the integration process.

Be sure to rest, drink extra water, and be kind to yourself, especially over the next 48 hours. Listen to what your body is telling you and take time to reflect on any experiences or insights that arise.