What is Mediumship? What’s the difference between a Psychic and a Medium?

Mediumship is the ability to communicate with spirits and entities in other dimensions. Mediums are able to feel, see, and/or hear thoughts, voices, or mental impressions from the spirit world. Mediumship can be split into two categories such as mental or physical mediumship. Mental mediums use their extrasensory abilities to communicate with those on the other side, while physical mediums allow the spirit to channel through their body, similar to trance mediumship.

Let me make this clear, trance mediumship is NOT spirit possession or allowing the spirit to take over one’s body.

Instead, the spirit blends itself with the medium’s auric field for a short period of time creating a channel that allows them to impress their thoughts which helps them merge with the medium’s energy and body (think channeling). It is possible for a medium to possess these two forms of mediumship. I mostly work as a mental medium in my sessions. However, I am also certified and trained as a “light” trance medium.

Ever heard the term every medium is psychic but not every psychic is a medium? Well, a medium is a psychic who has fine-tuned their extrasensory perception and can communicate with spirits and entities in other dimensions. To put it simply, a medium can give you information from other sources and energies, but also has the capability of tapping into the spirit world and connecting with loved ones, spirit guides, angels, entities, and the divine to bring the recipient the message they need to hear.

What is the purpose of a Mediumship session?

Mediumship helps alleviate the pain of those who are grieving for someone who has passed into spirit. It provides assurance of the continuity of life and the comfort of knowing that love ones who have passed are still alive, free from pain, and wish to communicate. Mediumship can also be used for entity removal as it allows clear communication with an entity in order to help either a spirit cross over into the light or to simply remove a lower vibrational entity from one’s space or energetic field. There are so many benefits to mediumship, and it is an absolute gift to be able to assist those on their path to healing.

Also, you do NOT have to be a medium or go to a medium to communicate with your loved ones. There are signs all around you that they are with you in spirit. Allow yourself to be receptive to their messages and visitations. My job is to help translate any messages spirit may have for you, in addition to giving you the closure you need, validating that your loved ones are safe and at peace.


What to expect during a session:

My distance mediumship sessions are performed just as my in-person sessions. The ONLY difference is you're contacted through Facetime, Zoom, or Phone (based on the recipient's preference).

As I begin the session, Spirit begins to make their presence known as my own personal thoughts, feelings, and emotions are being swept away for the time being. Sometimes clients have a large multitude of loved ones on the other side all eager to speak first over one another, while others may have small intimate conversations with just one particular Spirit. As I begin, the Spirit who “steps forward” must validate who they are for the recipient, and then the messages come shortly after.

I communicate with Spirit by using my clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient abilities, meaning that Spirit makes me see, feel, and hear what they would like to say. It can be like a game of charades at times, as I have to translate the message that I’m getting. It goes from Spirit, to me, and then to the recipient.

The best advice I could give to those who are receiving a reading is to release any expectations they may have for the session. When we become too fixed on what we want we are unable to truly hear and understand the message spirit may have for us. Sometimes spirit gives us what we need to hear, not necessarily what we want to hear.


Do you perform house/space cleansings?

I am able to perform house and space clearings. It is a service that I offer. You are more than welcome to email me if you have any questions about this subject.
