What is Reiki?

Reiki is the Japanese translation of “Universal Life Force”. This historical healing practice traces far back in the Japanese and Tibetan culture, primarily through Master Usui Mikao and his students. Reiki can address any spiritual, physical, mental, and even financial challenge, clearing the way for energy to properly flow where it needs to.


What can I expect during a session?

During an in-person Reiki session, I will place my hands on or near your body, and you may feel warmth or tingling sensations. The energy will flow through my hands and into your body, helping to balance your energy system and promote healing. Energy healing can take various forms, such as chakra balancing, crystal healing, or sound healing, all of which promote the free flow of energy through the body, removing blockages that can cause physical, emotional, or spiritual issues. Whether you suffer from chronic pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, or any other condition, Reiki and energy healing can help you achieve balance and well-being. These gentle, non-invasive practices are suitable for people of all ages and health conditions.

I'm often asked how my distance Reiki sessions are conducted. My distance Reiki sessions are performed just as my in-person sessions. The ONLY difference is you're contacted through Facetime, Zoom, or Phone (based on the recipient's preference). I begin by explaining the process, which consists of setting intentions and a brief series of exercises to help you attain a meditative state. I also answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Before I begin tapping into the recipient's energetic field, I invite their Spiritual team (guides, angels, etc.) to assist me during the session. I begin to clairvoyantly scan the energy field as I channel information; key messages are handwritten in a journal and then shared at the end of the session. I check for any imbalances (“blockages”) in the energetic field such as cords, tears, energy markers, entities, etc. Therefore, each session is always uniquely tailored to the recipient's needs. Properly analyzing imbalances and identifying the source of chakra blockages is essential so that the client can attain their own clear understanding and ultimately release any detrimental forces weighing them down. Special add ons can be included before closing the session, such as guidance from my Oracle deck to provide further guidance and ensure the healing process.

Do energy healing practices such as Reiki or IET work through distance?

Yes, distance reiki as well as other remote energy healings work the same as they would in an in-person session. Energy can be sent via thought, emotion, and intention. During my healing sessions, I use specific symbols and intentions to strengthen the remote session. Extrasensory abilities are not limited by distance either. I can still clairvoyantly see into your auric field and communicate with your guides and loved ones who have passed on just as I would during an in-person session.


Benefits of Reiki & Energy Healing:

  • Relaxes the body and mind

  • Relieves stress and anxiety

  • Encourages emotional release

  • Enhances spiritual connection and psychic abilities

  • Relieves fatigue and increases energy level

  • Improves sleep and strengthens the immune system

  • Helps with mental clarity

  • Eases pain and discomfort

  • Eases muscle tension

  • Releasing an addictions or habits

  • Helps improve self-esteem and confidence

  • Assists in healing past traumas

  • Helps bring one closer to living and speaking their truth

    And much more.


What can I do to prepare for my energy healing session?

Drink plenty of fluids, especially after the healing session. I recommend not wearing silk or leather during the session, as those materials tend to trap energy. Also, I suggest setting an intention on what you would like to receive out of the session. Intention is everything, as you are letting the Universal energy know exactly what you want. Overall, allow yourself to relax and be open to RECEIVE.

Some examples of setting an intention for a healing session would be:

  • May I be open to the healing I am about to receive.

  • May I release any resistance that is currently holding me back from reaching my true potential.

  • May I be open to connecting with my higher self, divine love, and spiritual guidance.

Do you perform any other forms of energy healing during your healing sessions?

In addition to Reiki, I also include other energy healing practices such as pranic healing, angelic healing, shamanic healing, chakra healing, and sound healing to name a few. Every person is unique, therefore each recipient may require a different form of care during their session. For instance, someone who has an entity attachment will receive a specific healing method I use for entity removal as opposed to someone who is just receiving chakra balancing.
