Introducing the Chakras: The 7 Basic Chakra System
Root Chakra "Muladhara"
(1st Chakra) Root "Muladhara" translation: base_support
Developmental Phase- Womb to One year. The Hindu System years 1 to 7. When a child is experiencing the primal needs of eating and sleeping in order to survive and feel secure in this world. This chakra is centered around self-preservation, security, and grounding. It is closest to the physical body and represents physical energy.
Color- Red, secondary color is Black
Location: Base of Spine
Element: Earth
PC: T. Reeds
Associated with: Scent (NOSE) and Feet
Connected with The Adrenals- The adrenals are placed right above the kidneys and produce hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, hence the nickname "Stress Glands". The root chakra is also associated with our bones, hip joints, muscles, rectum, large intestine, coccygeal vertebrae, and the immune system. Works alongside the Sacral chakra with kidneys and prostate.
Deficiencies: Disconnection to reality/physical world. Spaciness (derealization, depersonalization), underweight, fear and anxiety, lack of trust, suicidal tendencies, poor boundaries, financial lack, inability to manifest, and self-destructiveness.
Excesses: Overindulgence, greed, paranoia, excessive spending, fatigue, obsession, excessive materiality, excessive anger (fighting), and laziness.
Physical Symptoms: Water retention, Sciatica, Lower-back pain, constipation/diarrhea, problems with rectum/anus, joint/bone issues especially with lower extremities. Eating disorders, Skin issues, Auto-immune diseases, and Chronic Fatigue.
Balanced: When the first chakra is balanced a person will be connected to the physical plane of reality and their body. They will be reliable, bold, patient, able to live in the present moment, and manifest one's needs.
Mantra/Sound: Lam
Kundalini: The lesson of Brahma Granthi (Granthi are the knots *locks* the Kundalini energy passes through in order to rise) is to understand how the earth is not a prison, but a place for healing, growth, and transcendence. The knot represents resistance to change, and if we are able to trust and let go the knot opens and the kundalini energy will begin to ascend.
Psychic Abilities: Clairgustance (Clear Tasting), Clairalience ( Clear Smell), Clairtangency (psychic touch), dowsing, Feng Shui, Psychometry (Psychic insight through touch), Levitation, and Telekinesis.
Healing Crystals:
Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Hematite, Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Garnet, Jet, and Obsidian to name a few. *Crystals must be activated before use for best results
Anchoring Your Energy by practicing grounding techniques. Connecting with nature and really feeling the earth with your hands/feet. Gardening, Yoga, and Exercise. Working with an Energy Practitioner. Finding out YOUR true needs and personal desires, and knowing you have the power to manifest. Believing that the Universe/God has your back especially when times get tough.
Easy Grounding Meditation: 5 senses
5 things you see
4 things you feel
3 things you hear
2 things you smell
1 thing you taste
This simple meditation can help connect you to the present moment. Try it the next time you feel anxious, or stressed. Give your mind a break for a few minutes, and just allow yourself to be.
Sacral Chakra "Svadhisthana"
(2nd Chakra) Sacral "Svadhisthana" translation: self_residence "Place of Self"
Developmental Phase: Activation starts from 6 months to 2.5 years. The Hindu System shows years 7-14. In this phase, the child is learning to make connections and build relationships with others. This chakra is instrumental in developing flexibility in our lives. It also supports personal expansion and self-identification through relating to the world around us. The Sacral chakra represents sensuality, the emotional body, and creativity.
Color: Orange, representing energy, purity, creativity, and happiness.
Location: 3 centimeters above the base chakra. Between the coccyx and the sacrum, just below the navel.
Element: Water
PC: T Reeds
Mantra/Sound: Vam
Associated with: Tongue (Taste) & Genitals
Connected to Sex Organs: Testes for men, Ovaries for women. In some systems, the prostate is shared between both base and sacral. The Sacral chakra manages all sex organs, such as the cervix, uterus, and vagina. Pelvis, Appendix, Lower Vertebrae, Upper Intestines, Kidneys, as well as Digestive Organs.
Deficiencies: Low libido, Depression, Pessimism, Lack of creativity, social skills, and authenticity, Self-sabotage, Unhappiness, Fear of change, and Self-denial.
Excessiveness: Addictions, Emotional overreactions, Obsessive emotional attachment of people/things, Codependency, Seductive manipulation, and irresponsibility.
Physical Symptoms: Irregular menstrual cycle, Issues with reproductive and urinary systems, Ovarian cysts, Pelvic floor dysfunction, Sciatica, Lower-back pain, Appendicitis, Diverticulitis, Crohn's Disease, Joint problems, Spleen, Kidney issues, and Anemia to name a few.
Psychological: If this chakra is deficient you may feel fearful, lifeless, emotional coldness, and detachment. With excessiveness, you may feel envy, emotional explosiveness, addictions (sexual especially), and codependency.
Balanced: Feel empowered to take creative risks, and able to enjoy the pleasures of life. Feel comfortable in your skin, and will honor sexuality realizing how sacred it is.
Kundalini: There is no Granthi (Kundalini Knot) associated with this chakra.
Intuitive Abilities: Clairsentience, Clairempathy, Claircognizance, Clairgustance (Clear Tasting), and Clairtangecy (Psychically reading energy from touch/objects).
“Theo, The Haunting of Hill House”
Healing Crystals: Carnelian, Sunstone, Amber, Petrified Wood, Shungite, and Tigers Eye.
How Can I Heal My Sacral?
There are so many ways to heal your Sacral chakra. Here are some easy steps on what you can do to get started:
Learn your emotional triggers and work through them (if you need a professional to help you with this, I highly recommended it).
Connect with Water (visit the beach, river, lake, shower, or an Epsom salt bath.)
Gratitude. Appreciate what you have and all that is around you.
Work on negative beliefs and thought patterns. See yourself and the world around you in a more positive light.
Meditation (Chanting OM, VAM, Visualizing the color Orange, Affirmations such as "Creativity flows effortlessly through me, My body is a sacred temple"). Sound Healing Crystal Bowls/Gong Work has helped me clear my chakras tremendously.
Dietary Changes for an overall healthy lifestyle.
Solar Plexus Chakra "Manipura"
(3rd Chakra) Solar Plexus Chakra Translation: gem_dwelling place "The City of Gems".
Developmental Phase: Activation begins 2.5 to 4.5 years of age. The Hindu System shows years 14-21. Anodea J. system shows 18 months to 3 years. This is the time where a person begins to develop an ego. This chakra governs our self-esteem, personal power, willpower, and mental activity. This chakra also controls metabolism and digestion. This chakra helps bring out our inner fire in order for us to reach our goals and achieve success.
Color: Yellow, represents wisdom and intelligence
Location: This chakra is found in the gastric plexus (about 7cm above and below the navel). If you ever have experienced "butterflies" in your belly or felt a knot in your stomach when you're stressed it's because of the nerves in that area. Talk about a "Gut Feelings" huh!
Element: Fire
PC: T. Reeds
Mantra/Sound: Ram
Associated with: Eyes & Anus
Connected to Pancreas: Digestive System and Organs, Skin, Upper Abdomen, Diaphragm, Middle Spine, Small Intestines, and Parts of the Kidneys & Adrenals (adrenal cortex).
Deficiencies: Low self-esteem, Low self-confidence, Unhappiness, Easily manipulated, little to none self-discipline, and poor digestion.
Excesses: Aggressive, Controlling, and Dominating behavior, egotism, pride, competition, and stubborn.
Balanced: Healthy self-confidence and self-esteem, intelligence, strong mental focus, sense of purpose, and Motivation.
Physical Symptoms: Ulcers, Poor Digestion, Nausea, Hypoglycemia, Diabetes, Organ problems, Gall bladder Issues, Liver issues, Nerve pain, Fibromyalgia, difficulty gaining or losing weight, Low blood pressure, Certain colon diseases, Pancreatitis, Hepatitis, Heartburn, Indigestion, Eating Disorders, fatigue, and "Leaky Gut" syndrome.
Psychological: Sense of value and decision making. Being too critical of others or of ourselves. Manipulating others, or being manipulated. Unhealthy belief systems that you grew up with affecting you in a negative way, and falling into the traps of our ego.
Kundalini: No granthi is located here.
Intuitive Abilities: Clairvoyance, Claircognizance, Clairsentience, and Pyrokinesis.
Healing Crystals: Citrine, Orange Calcite, Tiger's Eye, Pyrite, Sunstone, Yellow Topaz, and Amber.
How Can I Heal My Solar Plexus?
There are several ways to heal the Solar Plexus. This ranges from working with an energy practitioner, crystals, sound healing, to changing up your routine. Maybe even releasing some toxic people in your life. Emotional therapy will help as well, and understanding boundaries. Energy cord work is very important. Throughout my practice, I have seen that people tend to have cords in this area.
Heart Chakra "Anahata"
(4th Chakra) Heart Chakra Translation: Unstruck or Unbeaten
Developmental Phase: Activation period from years 4-7.5. The Hindu System shows ages 21-28. In this phase, we become aware of our karma and the effect our personal actions can have. Unconditional love and loyalty are prime motivators at this time. The Anahata is the center for love and our relationships, including the one we have with ourselves.
Color: Green, secondary color Pink
Location: This chakra resides in the heart region, between the breasts (Cardiac Plexus).
Element: Air
PC: T. Reeds “In Flight”
Mantra/Sound: Yam
Associated with: Skin, Sexual Organ (Sense: Touch)
Connected with Heart and Thymus Gland: Manages Heart, Circulatory System, Breasts, Blood, Rib Cage, Shoulders, Arms and Hands, Diaphragm/Esophagus.
Deficiencies: Loneliness, Withdrawn, Anti-social, Critical, Judgmental, Lack of empathy, Depression, Narcissism, Lack of self-love, and Inability to forgive.
Excesses: Poor boundaries, Clingy, Codependency, Jealousy, Self-centered, Egotism, and Poor Boundaries. Some tend to be overgiving with others, spreading themselves too thin.
Physical Symptoms: Heart disease, Asthma, Allergies, Cancer, Pneumonia, Spinal Issues, Issues with Thymus, Upper-back, and Shoulders. Diseases in the lungs, breasts, and ribs also occur.
Psychological: Fears of commitment, Feeling as if you always have to please others, Trauma from past relationships cause inability to move forward, Trouble giving or receiving love, and Holds grudges.
Balanced: When the Heart chakra is balanced a person will feel complete, a true sense of wholeness in their soul. Gratitude, Empathy, Acceptance, Nurture, Kindness, and Connectedness comes from a balanced Anahata.
Kundalini: The Vishnu granthi operates from the Heart chakra. It's associated with emotional attachments, (expressed as people) as well as bondage with ego and inner psychic visions. This knot keeps a person in a state of internal mental ignorance. When this granthi is untied a person will feel warmth and compassion.
Intuitive Abilities: Astral Projection, Palmistry, Clairempathy, Reiki, Energy Healing, Hypnosis, Megagnomy (Divination in a hypnotic state uncovering information on past & future events) and Trance Mediumship.
"The Guru" - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Healing Crystals: Green Adventurine, Rose quartz, Emerald, Jade, Mangano Calcite, Peridot, Serpentine, Malachite, Amazonite, Chrysocolla, Rhodochrosite, and Prehnite to name a few.
Crystals, Meditation, and a eating clean diet can put you on the right track to healing your heart chakra. Since fear is felt so deeply in the heart center I find that loving affirmations and mantras are a great way to invoke peace within yourself.
Exercise: Sit down or lie down someplace comfortable. You can have soft meditation music or sound bowls playing in the background, I personally enjoy lighting incense and candles. Take 3 deep belly breaths, and place your hands on your heart. As you feel the movement of your chest going up and down, visualize the color green filling your heart center. Feel it expand into your entire being, expanding so large that it fills the entire room. As you focus on the color, chant "Om Shanti Shanti Shanti" (this is a Hindu mantra meaning "Peace, Peace, Peace". Om is a powerful mantra that truly helps with cleansing the energy field itself). Feel the peace, warmth, and compassion fill throughout your body. When you feel you are ready, bring your attention back to the touch of your seat and thank God/The Universe for all you have. Don't forget to thank yourself for showing up, and allowing your energy to just be :)
Throat Chakra "Vishuddha"
(5th Chakra) Throat Chakra Translation: purification
Developmental Phase: Activation begins roughly between 6.5-12 years. The Hindu System shows 28-35 years. This is the time where we are learning to express ourselves and communicate with others (including a healthy balance of listening & speaking). This chakra is also involved with physical and emotional nourishment.
Color: Sky blue, Turquoise, Powder Blue & Light Blue. Blue represents calmness, health, and devotion.
Location: Base of the throat, linking to laryngeal plexus & carotid plexus (nerves).
Element: Akasha or Pure Ether (Associated with Sound)
PC: T. Reeds “Waves of Twilight”
Mantra/Sound: Ham
Associated with: Ears & Mouth (Sense: Hearing)
Connected with Thyroid and Parathyroid Gland: Also manages Upper Lungs, Respiratory System, Vocal Cords, Upper shoulders, Jaw, and Neck.
Deficiencies: Underactive Thyroid, Grinding teeth, Throat illnesses, Sore throat, Fear of speaking, and inability to express one's truth.
Excesses: Lying, Bullying, Gossiping, Talking too much or too Loud, Overactive Thyroid, Speaking Ill towards others, and can lead to Overeating/Compulsive behaviors.
Physical Symptoms: Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Nasal Problems, Congestion, Voice loss, Laryngitis, Hearing Issues, Mouth/Teeth Problems, Tinnitus, Tonsillitis, Neck issues, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ), Ear infections, and Upper Arm issues.
Psychological: Habitual Lying, Difficulty communicating with others, Nervousness, Not speaking up for one's self, Problems with decision making, and Harsh criticism of ourselves/others.
Balanced: When this chakra is balanced a person can freely express themselves and their truth, as well as being a wonderful Communicator/Listener.
Kundalini: No Granthi exists in this area.
Intuitive Abilities: Clairaudience, Mediumship, Lucid Dreaming, Channeling, Automatic Writing, Hypnosis, Telepathy, Clairgustance, and Clairalience.
Healing Crystals: Turquoise, Blue Lace Agate, Celestite, Aquamarine, Kyanite, Larimar, Blue Chalcedony, Lapis Lazuli, and Sodalite to name a few.
Few Tips:
Envision the color blue filling your body and your space.
Sing, Listen to music, Dance. Draw or Write down whatever comes to your mind.
Express yourself and Acknowledge your truth.
Speak kindness into yourself and others.
Meditation, Meditation, and MORE MEDITATION :)
Nourish your body with healthy foods.
Get Massage (focus on the upper arms/shoulder area especially)! Yep, massages are a wonderful way to clear your energy, plus they are extremely calming!
Third Eye Chakra "Ajna"
(6th Chakra) Third Eye Chakra Translation: "Summoning" or "Unlimited Power"
Developmental Phase: Activation period is during pre-teen/adolescence years 8.5-14. The Hindu System shows 35-42. However, most don't correlate a time period for this chakra. This is a time where you become aware of your actions, and begin to perceive reality in a different way. Many people start to acknowledge their shadow self and the inner work they have to do in order to heal.
Color: Indigo, some even say Violet.
Location: Top of Spinal column, in the area of the Medulla Oblongata, lower brain stem. Many people associate it with the mid-brow region.
Element: Light
PC: T. Reeds “Eye of Fire”
Mantra/Sound: Om
Associated with: Mind
Connected with Pituitary and Pineal Gland: Energy Healer Cyndi Dale refers to them as the "Partners in Perception". This chakra also manages the Brain, Eyes, Neurological system, Sinuses, and Hypothalamus.
Deficiencies: Sluggish, Passive, In Denial, Easy to Deceive, Codependency, Abusive Relationships, Memory loss, Anxiety, Unhappiness, Loss of excitement/passion for life, Anxiety, and perception issues.
Excesses: Delusional, Hallucinations, Nightmares, Difficulty concentrating, Aggressive, Easily agitated, and self-centered.
Physical Symptoms: Headaches/Migraines, Nausea, Mental fog, Vison problems, Deafness, Seizures, Pain, Depression, Schizophrenia, Hormone Imbalances, Strokes, Insomnia, Dizziness, Sinusitis, Learning Disabilities, Blood pressure issues, and Nausea.
Psychological: Feeling overwhelmed, High Anxiety, Paranoia, Not accepting the Truth, Unwillingness to confront fears, Clouded mind and judgment, Fear criticism, Depression, and Trapped in negative mindsets.
Balanced: A balanced third eye chakra teaches us wisdom, revealing truths, as well as expanding our minds. Strong intellect and intuition are signs of a healthy third eye chakra. Enables us to see the "Big Picture".
Kundalini: Rudra Granthi which is knotted between the Anahata and Ajna. This granthi allows us to see everything as sacred and holy. To see everything as "One". Once this knot is untied we are invited to access to infinite dimensions.
Intuitive Abilities: Clairvoyance, Deja Vu, Divination, Aura Reading, Astral Travel, Lucid Dreaming, Levitation, and Telekinisis.
Eleven “Stranger Things”
Healing Crystals: Tanzanite, Amethyst, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Rainbow Moonstone, Iolite, Herkimer Diamond, Azurite, Fluorite, Sodalite, and Moldavite to name a few.
Daily Affirmations. Example: "My vision is clear, My intuition is strong."
Sound Healing Crystal Bowls
Star Gazing
Healing Crystals
Working with an Energy Practioner
Eating certain foods like blueberries, or blackberries. My favorite superfood is Spirulina!
Essential Oils: Frankincense, Blue Lotus, or Sandlewood.
Detox Cleanse: No alcohol, Caffeine, or Harmful Chemicals.
Crown Chakra "Sahasrara"
(7th Chakra) Crown Chakra Translation: "Thousand Petals"
Developmental Phase: Activation period of early adulthood and beyond. This chakra is also open when a baby is first born. Rarely is this chakra associated with an age. This chakra represents spirituality, connected to the divine.
Color: White, Violet or Gold
Location: Top or slightly above the head. Many believe it is linked with the cerebral plexus.
Element: There is no element associated with this chakra, for this chakra is infinite. Collective Consciousness. Being "One" with everyone and everything.
PC: T. Reeds
Mantra/Sounds: SoHam, Om, Ah, & Visarga
Associated with: This chakra goes beyond the physical.
Connected with Pineal & Pituitary Gland: Manages Skull, Brain including Cranial Nerves, Cranial Plexus, Cerebral Cortex, Nervous System, and Central Nervous System.
Deficiencies: Lack of purpose, Selfishness, Materialism, Lack of Empathy, Fear, Spiritual Cynicism, Disconnection, and Closemindedness.
Excesses: Spiritual Addiction, Confusion, Manic behavior, Mislead, and Superiority.
Physical Symptoms: Disorders of the Muscular and Skeletal system, Chronic Tension, Depression, Nausea, Migraines, Brain Tumors, Epilepsy, M.S., Parkinson's Disease, Schizophrenia, Developmental Issues, Psychosis, Insomnia, and extreme sensitivity to senses.
Psychological: Emotional Detachment, Anxiety, Delusional, Ungrounded, Head Zaps, Depression, and other psychological challenges.
Balanced: When the 7th chakra is balanced, all other chakras come into balance. "As above, So below". One experiences peace, and oneness by embracing trust and truth.
Kundalini: No Granthi in this area. The Kundalini reaches maturity in the Sahasrara.
Intuitive Abilities: All gifts are attainable in this chakra. Prophecy, Precognition, Astrology (Horoscopy), Healing, Levitation, Astral Projection, and all other Clair abilities.
Healing Crystals: Clear Quartz, Selenite, Tanzanite, Amethyst, Rainbow Moonstone, Sugilite, Howlite, Apophyllite, Lepidolite, Celestite, Angelite, and Calcite to name a few.
Self Affirmations: "I Honor Spirit", "I Am Connected To Everything".
Essential Oil - Frankincense, Lavender, and Rose.
Taking Care of Your Overall Health: Diet, Exercise, Being in Nature, Addressing and Healing Traumas/Fears, and Taking care of Mental Health/Mind.
Sound Healing