Channeled Collective Message From Source: August 15th

Energetic Check-In:

Good morning everyone, during my meditation this morning Spirit has guided me into sharing this message with you all. I felt called to incorporate the Collective message, Chakras, and Oracle cards altogether. Enjoy! 


Tonight the moon shifts into the Waning Crescent phase which represents Surrender. It’s time to release the energy that no longer serves you in order to make space for something new. This will be a transformational period for all who are ready and willing to grow. The brown color on the card represents our 10th chakra (Earth Star) asking us to ground our energy as we work out of our heart chakra inviting the color green for healing. If there is one thing I have learned about the Universe is it does not like space. What I mean by that is when we release relationships, habits, behaviors, etc. that are hindering our growth we allow the Universe to place something better into that empty space. The energy that is holding you back has served its purpose. Now is the time to ask the Universe to help guide, protect, and assist you in releasing it.

Once you have surrendered, the Waning Crescent energy will carry you into the New Moon coming up on August 18th which will bring Clarity to us all. Releasing old stagnant energy welcomes new inspired action. It’s time to get back into what you love. Start taking the steps to bring the life you dream forward. If you’re having trouble feeling that clarity, don’t be afraid to ask for help. I can assure you Spirit is always listening. Use the New Moon energy to call in what you want in your life. The colors on the second card bring attention to our crown and the 11th chakra connecting us to the divine as well as our ability to create and bring awareness to our multidimensional self. We have the power to manifest the life we want, for our mind is a powerful tool. 

The whole process leads up to the full moon on September 2nd, where we must remember to express gratitude to ensure the deepest connection to ourselves, The Universe, and healing. Fear has no place where gratitude is held. The colors of this card represent the third eye and soul star chakra (12th) reminding us to affirm our visions and connection to the higher realms as well as universal unity, which in return will lead us to our unique purpose. Own your power, this is only the beginning.