What Is Intuitive Eating & What Does It Have To Do With Energy Healing? The Emotional Messages of Food.
What Is Intuitive Eating? Intuitive eating happens when we listen to the inner guidance we are receiving regarding which foods make our body feel good and keep us healthy. No guilt, No Judgement, and No Diet/Media Influence.
What Does Food Have To Do With Energy Healing? Food is one of the biggest healers and preventatives of illness out there. I personally believe what we put into our bodies can affect how we feel, think, and how our bodies perform. All foods have vibration, some low and others high. Certain foods can actually boost the vibrational frequency in your chakras and assist with rebalancing them.
For Example: Jessica has a blockage in her solar plexus. Foods she should focus on eating are corn, lemons, yellow peppers, bananas, etc. Whole grains, flaxseed, and brown rice are healthy options as well. She should avoid eating foods that the body absorbs quickly such as refined sugars, white flour, or processed foods. Since digestion plays an important role in the solar plexus focusing on foods that promote healthy gut bacteria such as yogurt with probiotics is an excellent option. Jessica should also avoid caffeine. Since the solar plexus is our energy center, it is important that we stay away from substances (or moderate the consumption) that give us "false" energy. Let healthy foods fuel you.
What Are Your Cravings Trying To Tell You?
Ever wonder why movies show a woman eating a pint of ice cream after a bad breakup? Or why pasta is known as a "comfort" food? Cravings happen when the body lets us know what we are lacking and need more of in our lives. When we pay attention to our emotional needs we become more conscious about the foods we consume, and of our overall wellbeing.
Dairy: Represents the unconditional love we received or were supposed to receive as an infant. (Think drinking mother's milk) Craving dairy is a sign of desiring love, safety, and protection especially if we are missing that in our every day lives.
Chocolate: A lot of women tend to crave chocolate around their menstrual cycles (PMS), and this could have to do with the fluctuation of hormones which sometimes causes us to crave more physical or sexual love. Chocolate also represents sensuality and romance (Valentine's Day Anyone?!).
Sugar: Boosts of Excitement. When we lack excitement in our lives we tend to lean towards sugar to give us an extra boost. Think about what is popularly sold at theme parks or Carnivals... Sugary products such as cotton candy, sodas, and giant lollipops to help fulfill that need.
High Gluten Or Wheat Products: Comfort and Security. Donuts, Pizzeria Garlic Knots, Pasta all these foods bring us a sense of comfort and security. Think of when our bellies become overly satisfied that we undo that first button of our pants on Thanksgiving to attain max comfort and relaxation.
Alcohol: Speaking of the holidays... Let's talk about alcohol. Alcohol has to do with acceptance. If you don't accept yourself and feel shame when others didn't/don't accept you, alcohol provides an illusion of self-acceptance and confidence. Also, pay attention to what's in the alcohol you're craving from the sugars to grains.
Crunchy Foods: Anger. Crunchy foods are said to help us deal with our anger in a healthy way. Next time you want to tell someone off, think about finding the nearest chips and guac to work out your frustration instead. Munch...CRUNCH...
Salty Foods: Fear. Anxiety. Stress. (I can definitely relate to this one...) Back then when I would be stressed out and fearful due to an unhealthy relationship I was in, I'd crave KFC or Wendys on days where I didn't want to deal with the fears and anxieties I was having surrounding my life & relationship. We tend to crave salty foods when we are stressed, anxious, or are experiencing fearful thoughts.
Fatty Foods: Yep, those KFC/WENDYS days are brought up again...Hello Eating Your Emotions! Fatty foods hide our internal shame. When most of us eat these foods we gain weight, and this weight represents a shield or barrier that keeps us "Safe" from others.
Corn: Success/Happiness. Eating corn or corn products are said to promote feelings of success. Temporarily relieving any feelings of failure or insecurity.
So the next time you have a craving ask yourself what is lacking in your life right now. Figure out what your body is trying to tell you and learn to address those emotions you have. This way you can release any unhealthy eating patterns or habits you have to begin building a healthy relationship with yourself and food.
Happy Healing Everyone!
“Food is a Friend, NOT an Enemy.” - T. Reeds