8 Ways Your Psychic Senses Are Speaking To You

Spirit speaks to us in many different ways. I will be introducing 8 of the Clair senses, along with a brief description to help you recognize these abilities.

Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing): Ability to psychically see nonphysical realities. Those who are clairvoyant will be able to see colors (energy fields/auras) around people, plants, and animals. They also can see ghosts, angels, or other beings. A lot of vivid dreamers have this ability. You will receive mental images/impressions that play like a video clip in your mind.

Those who are clairvoyant may have the ability to see the future (precognition), can clarify and bring clarity to the present moment or see into the past (post-cognition). (This includes dreaming of events as well).

Clairaudience (Clear Hearing): Ability to psychically hear events. This ability allows you to hear from your inner and outer ears. Many who lean towards this ability, are naturally attuned to sounds, words, and music.

Q: Were you ever driving and heard “Slow Down”, only then to see a police car observing everyone's speed? Have you ever heard your name being called, Yet there’s no one around? Maybe your significant other was thinking of you, and you suddenly heard them call your name (but they never verbally called out your name when you asked them about it).

Clairsentience (Clear Feeling): Ability to tune into others’ feelings or senses. The ability to perceive and be receptive to the pain, or emotion from a person, animal, place, or object. Most (if not all) psychic mediums have this ability. Many who have this ability tend to have sensitive stomachs.

Q: Have you ever said this place doesn’t “Feel” right, and wanted to leave. Have you ever felt your stomach drop, and then you receive bad news? Have you ever sensed something else in the room with you?

Claircognizance (Clear Knowing): Ability to psychically know something (even though you didn’t hear it, see it, or feel it). This ability comes in like a stroke of insight. Many may get this ability confused with clairsentience or clairempathy, however, it is very different because there is no physical sensation or emotion attached to the information received.

Example: How mothers almost always know when you’re lying to them without any reason or they know your location when you haven’t told them. Ever feel like you just know when someone is lying to you or is not a good person (without reason)?

Clairalience (Clear Smelling): Ability to psychically smell what is not physically present. Insights come through the perception of smell that is not in your immediate surroundings.

Example: Every time I smell the saltwater of the shore (I don’t live near the beach) I would hear from one of my psychic friends later on that day. You may smell a fragrance randomly. Some psychics will smell cigarettes when coming in contact with a spirit who was a smoker. It’ll be very subtle, yet enough to get your attention.

Clairgustance (Clear Tasting): Ability to psychically taste what is not physically present. Similar to Clairalience, but with tasting something that is not present.

Example: Some psychics can report tasting a favorite food or drink from a passed loved one. Again, very subtle yet clear enough to give some form of evidence.

Clairempathy (Clear Emotion): Ability to sense others’ emotions. Clairempaths find themselves taking on the energy of others as if they were their own. Those who have empathic abilities need to learn how to protect their energy, and not carry the emotions of others. Spiritual boundaries need to be set. Different than Clairsentience yet often put under the same umbrella. Many (if not all) empaths struggle with distinguishing if what they are feeling is their own or the pain of others because they take the energy on, while clairsentience recognizes that the information/energy is coming from outside themselves. You can have both though.

Q: Ever walk into a room where someone just had an argument, and you sense the anger and hurt in the room? What about if a coworker seems a bit off, but still is trying to act like their “normal” self, yet you pick up their sadness or frustration that day.

Clairtangecy/Clairsensitivity (Clear Touch): Ability to perceive energy through touch or from objects in your presence. Also commonly known as “Psychometry”. You can receive facts or information about an event, or person by contact (or being near the object or person).

Example: Think Theo from the Netflix show "Haunting of Hill House". She could touch a person or an object to gain insight, essentially tapping into the past. Using this ability can activate your other Clairs such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc..

Now that you have more of an idea of what the clairs are, ask yourself how spirit speaks to you!