The Power of Letting Go - Releasing Energetic Cords (Exercise Included)



Almost everyone goes through experiences where they have to leave something or someone behind. Whether that’d be an unhealthy relationship, job, etc. the experience can be quite painful, and sometimes it can feel as if pieces of us are left behind. Situations like this can block us from reaching our true potential.

Once you have identified the source (what or who you need to let go of), here are some easy ways you can release cords and call your energy back for good:

Why Let Go?

“Energy is all around us. Energy is Us” - T. Reeds.

Energetic ties exist, and the stronger of a connection we have to someone or something, the thicker and harder these cords are to release. As mentioned in my blog titled “The Importance of Energetic Protection” cords, anchors, soul fragments, etc. can be detrimental to your energy field, as well as overall health. Cords can impact the rotation of the chakra, and when this happens the frequency of the chakra will decrease causing an imbalance or “blockage”. We are not meant to process and take on energy that is not ours. It’s like trying to fit a puzzle piece where it does not belong. By becoming aware of these energetic ties, you are one step closer to taking your energy back.

Visualization Exercise

Before I begin I like to call upon my “Spiritual Team” (guides, angels, Higher Power, etc.) for assistance. Once you do this, you can begin the process by envisioning who or what you believe you have energetic ties to. Take three deep breaths, close your eyes, and visualize yourself outside of your body. Have your Higher Self/Spirit scan your energy field starting from the top of the head and work your way down (Feel free to stick your own hands out in front of you and scan if you feel called to do so). - What do you feel? Any temperature changes or sensations? What does the cord look like (thick, thin, etc. )? What chakra do you feel this cord in? Who or What is your energy attached to?

After, I want you to envision giant gold scissors (Gold represents Spiritual Power/Harmony) and cut the cord(s). You can imagine the cords retracting, healing both you and whoever/whatever you’re attached to. You will see yourself and the other person/thing as a whole again. For those of you who would rather pull the cord out you can do that as well. Some of you may actually feel the cord releasing from your energy field, the experience can become intense and it’s normal to feel emotional. Once the cord has been released and you see that both energies are whole all on their own, you can say “I let go of all energy that no longer serves my highest good. I am free. You are free. I release you”. Return to your body, and when you’re ready open your eyes. Thank your Spiritual Team, and end with a closing gratitude prayer if you’d like.

What To Do If Cords Come Back?

Many times cords can be extremely hard to release and tend to come back.

Tip: If you release a cord from someone they may feel the urge to reach out to you, especially after this exercise. Use your better judgement, and make sure you protect your energy if you decide to pick up that phone call or answer that message (especially referring to ex’s).

When cords become a bit harder to release understand YOU have the power to change your mindset and choose where you would like to direct your energy.

  1. Understand you are in control of what you choose to think about. So if you find yourself constantly thinking about this person, you can practice the exercise above more than once. In order for cord removal to work, you have to WANT and BELIEVE you are releasing them for good. You have to be willing to let go of them too. Do not think negatively when releasing either, remember this is for healing. Learn to shift your focus on something that uplifts you (#3).

  2. Try limiting how much you talk about the person/thing in which you are releasing. This is how the connection starts to build up again. Be mindful of where you place your energy.

  3. Focus on moving forward. The Universe does not like space, so know that when you make the decision to release something/someone, you can call in something greater to fill that space. The Universe is on your side. This does not mean this new energy will become a cord, especially if you learn to create healthy boundaries. As an example, if you leave a toxic work environment you can manifest a healthier one to replace the space of it in your life, but know you yourself are whole on your own.

You can always seek an energy healer if you would like assistance cutting the cords that are a bit harder to release. I offer energetic healing sessions which include cord-cutting, and psychic “surgery” (if needed/requested). In my mentorship sessions, I offer more cord-cutting and energetic protection techniques if you would like to learn more. For those who are interested in learning more advanced techniques, or are looking to cleanse their energy field you can book a session (Spiritual Mentorship, Reiki/Energetic Healing) with me by clicking the Services tab found at the top of the page. I would love to connect with you. If you have any questions feel free to contact me through Reddit or on the Contact tab through the website.

Happy Healing!


Tiffany Reeds