The Advanced Chakra System


What is a chakra?

The word “Chakra” from Sanskrit translates to “Wheel” or “Disk”. Chakras are spiritual energy centers within the body, and we have thousands of them (this includes minor and major chakras). Each chakra corresponds to organs, as well as systems of nerves located in the body. These energy centers record our trauma, memories, unexpressed feelings, belief patterns, etc. which can become locked away into our subconscious mind. Over time, it is believed that if these emotional issues stay repressed and unresolved they can manifest into the physical resulting in disease, in addition to other life challenges. However, that is where energy healing comes in to help move and clear out these centers so that they can flow better

Check out this post to understand the Basic Seven Chakra System:

As many of you may be familiar with the seven chakra system, I wanted to introduce the twelve chakra system that exists in all of us. The twelve chakra system heightens our awareness of the greater connection that we have to the Universe. By understanding this system you can tap into powerful energies that not only help enhance the human experience but activate advanced healing in order to attain overall balance in these energy centers.



The Eighth Chakra “Soul Star” or “Shaman Chakra” is located an inch or so above the top of your head (crown chakra). This chakra usually becomes fully developed around the ages of 21-28. This chakra connects to the thymus (immune system), and our memory retrieval functions. This energy center is associated with karma and can allow us to access parallel universes/lives bringing in unique information to this realm. With that being said, it opens the doors to the Akashic Records, the future, as well as astral projection. The eighth chakra allows our spiritual gifts to evolve by welcoming the idea that anything is possible. This chakra also correlates with the Zeal point chakra, which is located at the base of the skull and back of the neck.

Many shamans work out of the eighth chakra and have to ability to transcend energies for advanced healing. If not careful, those who work out of the eighth chakra may end up developing an addiction or mental health disorders due to the absorption of multiple energies.

Color: Black (Mystery, Limitless Potential) or Silver

The Ninth Chakra “Wisdom/Connection/Harmony Chakra” is located about arm’s length above the head. It connects to our diaphragm, in addition to the pineal gland. You can connect to this chakra with breathwork. This energy center helps you unify your connection with the other energies around you, and becomes fully developed around the ages of 28-35. Many spiritual leaders or gurus frequently tap into this chakra to bring forward “collective” information and guidance. The ninth chakra houses soul genetics, our “soul’s code”. You may see shapes, colors, forms that best describes you (or the person you’re healing). This chakra tends to make us feel “floaty” and happy when we are accessing it. This energy center contains our soul’s blueprint.

Color: Gold

The 10th Chakra “Earth Star” or “Super Root” is located about 12 inches below the feet. This chakra ensures that we are deeply connected to the earth. This energy center is fully available during preconception where your soul is choosing your path and genetics to the next incarnation; also during ages 35-42. Just like the root chakra, this chakra is related to grounding. Body parts connected to this chakra are feet, legs, and bones, in addition to the connection of our DNA. I encourage those who have severe root chakra imbalances to connect with this chakra because you will be at your safest state. Those who practice energy/psychic work should bring their attention to this energy center often in order to maintain balance when accessing the higher chakras. Pay attention to this chakra when healing hereditary or ancestry issues.

Color: Brown or other earth tones

The 11th Chakra “Eternal Soul Chakra” is located around the body (relates to the 11th auric field “Eternal Body”). It helps regulate the inner self and outer self at the same time. It is related to the skin and muscles. This chakra represents transmutation and ascension; activation ages 42-49. Through this chakra, we have the capability to connect with supernatural/natural forces while having the power to transform these energies into what we would like. The 11th chakra can act as a protective shield or screen to energies/emotions, for it allows you to choose what you let in and what you do not. This energy center has the ability to transform negative energies/emotions into positive ones. Shamans tend to work with this chakra to influence the physical by drawing in energies of other beings/realms.

Color: Pink or Rose

The 12th Chakra “Universal Mind Chakra” is located around the entire energy field, and is associated with the 32 minor/secondary chakra points (as shown in the picture below). This chakra represents mastery and the human connection to the divine. This energy center is said to be fully advanced by age 49- 56 when we reach full adulthood. Your soul's unique divine purpose is connected to this chakra. In pranic healing, this chakra is seen as a golden star that becomes activated during the 7month of pregnancy. It is said that with further activation this chakra can appear as a strong flame that sits above the head. As the 12th chakra continues to bloom it increases the person’s ability to deal with stronger spiritual energy.


Note: The pranic healing chakra system is a bit different than what I’ve mentioned in this blog.

Color: Clear or Lavender


For those who are interested in learning more, or are looking to heal their energy field you can book a session (Spiritual Mentorship, Reiki/Energetic Healing) with me by clicking the Services tab found at the top of the page. I would love to connect with you. If you have any questions feel free to contact me through Reddit or on the Contact tab through the website.

Happy Healing All!

T. Reeds

Tiffany Reeds