Raising Your Awareness: Root Chakra

The Root Chakra


Muladhara (root chakra) represents safety, security, and stability. It is the seat of our genetics and our connection to the collective. All that we (and our parents) experience while we are in utero and as a newborn is deeply connected to our root chakra. We are incredibly vulnerable during this time, and our primary focus is survival. Many of us view life from the lens of our parents at this age, which can make us more susceptible to emotional trauma. What I mean by this is newborns are not only affected by the trauma they experience, but they can suffer the consequences of a parent or caregiver’s trauma as well. However, if we learn to process these feelings we can then come to understand our ability to create a healthier lifestyle and belief system that has a positive effect on our reality.


Oftentimes, many of us have experienced a situation or traumatic event that has affected our root chakra, which later results in an imbalance/blockage. The energy does not flow through this area effectively, for it is either overactive or underactive.


How to recognize a balanced and imbalanced root chakra:

Deficiencies: Disconnection to reality/physical world. Spaciness (derealization, depersonalization), underweight, fear and anxiety, lack of trust, suicidal tendencies, poor boundaries, financial lack, inability to manifest, and self-destructiveness.

Excesses: Overindulgence, greed, paranoia, excessive spending, fatigue, obsession, excessive materiality, excessive anger (fighting), and laziness.

Physical Symptoms: Water retention, Sciatica, Lower-back pain, constipation/diarrhea, problems with rectum/anus, joint/bone issues especially with lower extremities. Eating disorders, Skin issues, Autoimmune diseases, and Chronic Fatigue.

Balanced: When the first chakra is balanced a person will be connected to the physical plane of reality and their body. They will be reliable, bold, patient, able to live in the present moment, and manifest one's needs.

Now that you have determined whether or not your root chakra may have an imbalance it is time to work on healing it.


Root Chakra Connection: The adrenals are placed right above the kidneys and produce hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, hence the nickname "Stress Glands". The root chakra is also associated with our bones, hip joints, muscles, rectum, large intestine, coccygeal vertebrae, and the immune system. It also works alongside the Sacral chakra with kidneys and prostate.

Root Chakra Location:


The purpose of this exercise is to raise your awareness of the front and backside of this chakra. Once you become aware of your root chakra you can then begin to heal it. The backside of the root chakra deals with our past experiences and beliefs, the programming of DNA, as well as our ability to manifest.

Prepare yourself by getting into a meditative state for the exercise. Bring your attention to your breath. Inhale through your nose and exhale SLOWLY back out the nose (do this for a total of 3 times or more if you’d like).

Now place your hand (or have your partner place their hand) on your backside. I want you to bring your awareness to your body. As you breathe focus on your root chakra. Visualize and feel the energy of this chakra, try to get a sense of how you feel down there. In this space do you feel nervous, worried, fearful or do you feel secure, and safe? Pay attention to the emotions that may arise at this time. Let thoughts or memories that may come up while your in this space leave on their own. Don’t try to hold on or control what you’re receiving. Do you feel any sensations? Bring your attention to your physical health, any raw emotions you may have, your passions, and most importantly your beliefs on security.


Once you have done that, I want you to envision a golden light flowing through this energy center (your partner can send light as well). I want you to truly feel this golden light and as it begins to flow through you allow yourself to feel safe and secure. Understand and know that you are supposed to be here. You are safe. If this chakra were to be completely healed, how would it affect your life? What are some positive changes you would see and experience? Ok, so how does this chakra feel now? What emotions or sensations are you feeling? Any temperature changes? Feel free to share your observations with your partner or in a notebook.

You can choose to end the exercise here. However, if you would like to try to heal a situation from the past you may continue. Now that you’ve raised your awareness of the root chakra, I want you to think of a time in your life when you didn’t feel safe. How do you feel? You may notice a stress response, perhaps your muscles tighten, and you begin to feel fearful. Ok, send that same golden light that brought you peace and calmness in the first exercise to that memory. Allow that memory to dissolve in the golden light, and let yourself feel at peace with that certain situation.


Healing is a process. You may find yourself revisiting certain situations over and over to heal, but understand you are a more evolved version of yourself each time.

If you would like to learn more exercises and want to take your healing to another level you can schedule a mentorship and/or healing session with me. We will work together as I take a deeper look into your energy body and help address any imbalances that may be holding you back on your path. My mentorship sessions include an individualized plan that is based upon your questions, goals, and energetic needs. We walk side by side on this path together.

For those who are interested, you can book a session (Spiritual Mentorship, and/or Reiki/Energetic Healing) with me by clicking the services tab found at the top of the page. If you have any questions feel free to contact me through Reddit or on the contact tab through the website.

I would love to connect with you.

Happy Healing!

- T. Reeds

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