The Power of Forgiveness "Healing the Wounded Heart"


What is Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is a more complex process than what many of us may have been taught as a child. It is more than just telling someone “I forgive you”, and acting like everything is ok, when our emotions may feel otherwise. Forgiveness is far more than just an external act. It is an internal process that has to occur within our soul.

“True Change Must Come From Within”

I believe forgiveness is something that we do for ourselves. It is when we decide to reclaim our personal power from a person or challenging situation. Forgiveness does not justify the action of others, but more so allows us to release any burdens that we may be carrying. True forgiveness frees our spirit by encouraging growth for the soul. When we hold on to grief, anger, or any type of emotional pain we give our power away. The negative influences from a person or past situation affect our energetic field, essentially stealing our life-force energy away from us. The unwillingness to forgive is one of the many ways of how disease (dis-ease) forms in the body.


Disease and the Energetic Field

During my healing sessions, I can clairovoyantly see where my clients hold deep-rooted emotions/issues in their energetic field (Aura). Most commonly, people tend to carry these heavy burdens in the emotional and mental layers of the aura. As I examine the field further, I can see that certain chakras may have tears, sludge, or psychic debris on them causing an energetic imbalance, even illness. The energetic field and chakras always seem to hold a message of to what it is a person is holding on to, whether their mind is consciously or subconsciously aware of it. The next step would be to acknowledge the unhealed parts of their soul so that they can begin to accept, forgive, love, and heal from this energy in order to move towards a life they are proud to live.

The Heart Chakra (Anahata) & Forgiveness

The Heart Chakra (Anahata) is the center for love and our relationships, including the one we have with ourselves. When the Heart chakra is balanced a person will feel complete, a true sense of wholeness within their soul. When this chakra is imbalanced one may have poor boundaries or an unwillingness and inability to forgive. Imbalances in the chakra, as well as the energetic field, may cause psychological and/or physical issues in the body.

When we allow ourselves to release the energy that holds us back, we are soon able to bring this chakra back into balance and the other chakras that may have been affected as well.


Wisdom from the Spirit World

Once I accepted the gift of mediumship and began to relay messages that Spirit (Human Spirits) had for their loved ones, my perspective on forgiveness had changed. I realized that forgiveness isn’t about being a doormat, or excusing others for their behavior, true forgiveness is allowing our soul to move on. In my experience, Spirit doesn’t necessarily hold on to things as we do here in the physical world. Instead, Spirit seeks to help mend any issues that deeply burden and prevent us from progressing on our path. Whether these departed souls take responsibility for their actions or encourage us that it’s time to heal, I find that Spirit has always had a way of defining the true meaning of unconditional love and healing.

Depending on the situation or circumstance, we can also help Spirit heal by forgiving and making peace with them (or a situation) to ensure that both parties can begin to move forward on the path to healing.


Forgiveness Letter Exercise:

There are several techniques one can do to forgive past hurts and experiences. Writing a letter of forgiveness has been extremely healing for many of my clients, as well as myself. I highly recommend you try this exercise to help encourage peace within your spirit and the freedom to move on.

Materials Needed:





(Incense and/or Candles if desired)

After you have gathered all the materials, lit your candles, and created a sacred space, it is then time to express how you feel. Write down any thoughts and emotions you have regarding a certain person, event, or you can even write a letter to yourself. DO NOT HOLD BACK. It is ok for you to be brutally honest as you will NOT be giving this letter to anyone. This exercise is solely for your own healing, so you can proceed without any judgment.

You can repeat this exercise as many times as you’d like, even for different circumstances or people. However, there is one suggestion that I’d advise not to do, and that is DO NOT READ THE LETTER YOU JUST WROTE.

Let’s put it this way, what happens when we read something? We take it in. You do NOT want to take in all the pain and emotions of this letter. By rereading the letter you may not allow yourself to fully let go. The goal here is to dispose of all your hurt, not consume it. You may also feel triggered while writing the letter, which is also why I encourage not to read it over.

When you are done writing, you may release the letter by burying it, burning it, or ripping it up in the trash. Afterward, I would like you to place your hands on your heart center, take 3 deep breaths on a count of 4. So inhale to the count of 4, HOLD for the count of 4, and exhale to 4, three times. Now I would like you to proceed to state 4 things you are grateful for and allow yourself to truly feel into that space of gratitude, by doing this you are raising your vibrational frequency. Also, I find that the number 4 has a powerful relation to the heart center (heart chakra), as it symbolizes unconditional love, stability, balance, and inner wisdom.

Writing a letter of forgiveness helps to release any burdens that no longer serve you. It may not relieve all of the pain from a person or experience, but understand that is normal. Healing is a process, so please be patient with yourself. The point of the exercise is to allow you to freely speak and take charge of your own energy so that your spirit may begin to feel some relief. Forgiveness helps welcome compassion, strength, and empathy into our heart center so that we may feel lighter to move more freely on our path.


If you would like to learn more exercises and want to take your healing to another level you can schedule a mentorship, body scan, and/or healing session with me. We will work together as I take a deeper look into your energy body and help address any imbalances that may be holding you back on your path. My mentorship sessions include an individualized plan that is based upon your questions, goals, and energetic needs. We walk side by side on this path together.

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For those who are interested, you can book a session (Spiritual Mentorship, Energetic Body Scan, and/or Reiki/Energetic Healing) with me by clicking the services tab found at the top of the page. First-time clients receive a discount (code “REDDITOR1”, which varies depending on the service). If you have any questions feel free to contact me through the website.

I would love to connect with you.

Happy Healing!

- T. Reeds

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Tiffany Reeds