The Importance of Energetic Protection (Tips Included)

Understanding the Importance of Protecting Your Energy


Growing up we are often told that we should take care of our bodies as well as mental health by getting enough sleep, finding time to unwind, exercising, and eating a nutritious diet. Now ask yourself why these actions are essential? Well, it has to do with keeping your energy level healthy.

Ok, so what if now you are doing all that you can yet somehow you still find yourself feeling crummy or drained from the day. I know this tends to happen to those who are empaths. Maybe you noticed a shift when you came home from work after your boss took their frustration out on you, or perhaps it was after you listened to that one friend who has a negative outlook on life and includes you in their drama. If this sounds familiar it is because you need to start setting boundaries and learning how to protect your energetic field.

Storytime: In the past, I worked at a medical office that happened to be super toxic. To make a long story short the owner was into a lot of illegal activity and was emotionally abusive to us workers. For instance, I remember I did not want to engage in the illegal actions he was doing so I spoke up, and he called me “weak”. One day I wore a hematite ring (protective crystal) to work and as I was talking to my boss the ring somehow broke into pieces off my finger. Pieces literally shot out as if the ring had exploded. I can honestly say I had never experienced anything like that. One of my coworkers at the time witnessed the incident happen and had said to me privately “if that’s not a sign this place is bad news I don’t know what is”. This for me was confirmation it was time to leave, and so I did.

Here’s the thing, you DO NOT have to stay in a place, or a situation that you are unhappy in. As you begin to find proactive methods that will help you leave what no longer serves you, allow me to help assist by presenting tips that will help you protect your energy in the meantime (and for the future).


The Psychic Safety Manual

For those who practice psychic work (this includes mediumship, divination, energy healing, etc.), it is crucial that you are taking the steps to not only cleanse your energy but protect it as well. Because you are extremely sensitive to picking up information (and energies) it is important that you do not hold onto what is not yours. Our bodies are not meant to absorb and process energy that is not ours, for this is how issues such as disease, psychological instability, healing challenges, a “Leaky” Aura, among other problems may occur.



Setting Boundaries: Spiritual boundaries are just as important as the physical boundaries that need to be set. If you would not be ok with a stranger coming into your home unannounced, why would a separate energy/entity be different? It wouldn’t because both situations can be dangerous.

Set boundaries before you conduct any type of spiritual session (even before bed, for those whose sleep gets interrupted at night). Ask your guides and archangels to help assist you with this, state what is allowed and what is not. Be CLEAR.


Grounding & Cleansing: Connecting with nature not only keeps you grounded, but it cleanses your energy field as well. Give any “negative” emotions/energy you are feeling to mother earth to be recycled. Keeping yourself anchored will help secure your energy.

Oftentimes, those who experience root chakra imbalances and who are more active in their higher chakras tend to pick up all types of energies. Some may not realize how open and receptive their aura is to other’s energy fields. For those who struggle with this, you can simply practice pulling your aura in close to the body.

Feel free to call upon your guides, Source (Higher Power), Archangel Michael to help cleanse your energy. You can envision golden or white light entering your body flushing out any negative or unwanted emotions with each inhale, and with each exhale you can envision those energies leaving your field (as we mentioned mother earth will recycle them). Nature also raises your vibration which can help override negativity. It is all about INTENTION.


Releasing the Energy of Others: Cords, tears, hooks (anchors),x’s, parasites, certain shapes, soul fragments, and “leaky“ auras can all point to someone (or something) draining your energy field. To better explain, a “leaky” aura is a condition that is usually developed over time and occurs by the energy of others seeping/cutting/merging into your energy field. It is commonly seen in empaths.

Although some may argue some cords are “healthy” between kids or certain relationships, I tend to disagree. Cords are not as beneficial as we may think. For instance, with a parent and child relationship, the child may take on the parent’s issues (both emotional/physical) which may stop the parent from learning the lessons they need to learn in this life. It can be an open door for diseases.

Call in your guides, Source, the archangels, to help assist you with this releasing process. Ask them to release any energy that is not of your highest good, and of someone else with love and light. Visualize that energy emerging and returning to the person. Then ask for your energy to be returned to you with love and light. You can visualize this whole process if you would like, especially if it’s attached to any traumatic memories.



One of the easiest energetic protection techniques you can use is what I call the “Blue Bubble of Protection”. This exercise is good after a shower (after you’ve cleansed your energy, visualizing any negativity or unwanted energies washing away), and when you’re ready to start your day. You can begin by affirming your spirit, guides, higher power, etc., and say “I invoke the blue bubble of protection around me, it keeps me safe from any negative energies, entities, thoughts, and emotions” (repeat 2 more times). Then, I want you to visualize a white light coming into your body, filling it entirely. After, you will seal that energy with the color silver (silver is extremely protective, also visualize the silver to be like a mirror and that any negativity that bounces of this bubble turns into love), then seal the silver with the color blue. Blue is seen as one of the most protective colors. Ask that only pure love and energy that serves your highest good is allowed in this bubble. You can call upon Archangel Michael to seal the bubble for you if you’d like. The next time you shower is when you will want to repeat the process again.

Overall, there are several techniques you can do to protect your energy so find what works best for you and stick to it. For those who are interested in learning more advanced techniques, or are looking to cleanse their energy field you can book a session (Spiritual Mentorship, Reiki/Energetic Healing) with me by clicking the Services tab found at the top of the page. I would love to connect with you. If you have any questions feel free to contact me through Reddit or on the Contact tab through the website.

Happy Healing All!

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Tiffany Reeds