Signs You Need To Cleanse Your Aura (Cleansing Tips Included)

What is an Aura?

An aura is the energetic field that surrounds your body. They are 7 main layers to the aura, such as physical body, emotional body, mental body, astral body, etheric template, emotional/celestial template, and ketheric/casual body. The aura acts as a magnetic field of energy that picks up on emotions, health, psychic debris, and circumstances around you. Over time, the aura can become "stressed out" due to energetic build-up.


Here are some indicators on how to tell if your aura needs cleansing.

  1. Feelings of stress, Irritation, Frustration, Confusion, Exhausted, and/or Depression

  2. You feel unmotivated and just can't get going. You feel overwhelmed by life.

  3. Physical Pain (unexplained aches/pains coming out of nowhere or physical pain you have worsens)

  4. You are clumsier than usual. (Usually a sign of being ungrounded)

  5. You're experiencing too much "mental chatter".

Tips to Cleanse your Energetic Field


1.) Take a cleansing bath or shower. Salt baths or even salt foot soaks are a wonderful way to ground and clear your energy. Feel free to add essential oils to the bath as well (just be sure the oils are skin safe). Those who practice reiki, feel free to reiki your bath salts and set an intention for this self-care session.

2.) Light some incense and set the intention to clear your aura of any energy that is no longer serving your highest good. *Remember to open windows while clearing (or a window closest to where the sun rises over your home, as many Native Americans believe that the sun will carry the unclean air away as it passes over the home). After clearing, you can close the window as you begin stating what energy you would like to call in for yourself.

  • White Sage: Clears the energy, lifts mood, and improves sleep.

  • Thyme: heals past traumas and the negative emotions associated with them.

  • Cedar: Eliminates fears and is good for clearing/blessing the home as well.

  • Palo Santo: Powerful healer and dispels negativity while keeping the positive. Also, good for illnesses.

  • Dragonsblood: Rids negativity.

  • Coastal Sage: Actively repair tears in your aura.

4. Get out in Nature


4.) Aura Brushing

This can be done with a feather, selenite wand, or just using your hands. Get a bowl of saltwater, and begin to brush the energy from the top of your head in a downward motion and work your way down the body. Visualize all the old/unwanted energy going into the bowl of saltwater. This can be done multiple times or until you intuitively feel the aura is clean. Once you are done, it's best to dispose of the saltwater in a toilet.

5.) Sound Healing. Tuning forks, Tibetan/crystal singing bowls, gongs, shamanic drums, etc. are a wonderful way to cleanse and tune your energetic field.


6.) Deep Breathing Meditation.

These are a few easy tips on how to cleanse your energy field at home. You can always visit an energy practitioner if you feel your energy field needs more attention.

Feel free to check out the cleansing kits that I am currently offering by clicking here. Limited availability for shipment orders.

Happy Healing All!

Tiffany Reedsauras, cleansing, energy