November 30th, 2020 Lunar Eclipse Gemini Full Moon Collective Message & Release Ritual
“In order to fill someone else’s cup, we must take the time to fill our own.” It is easy to get caught up in our own world and take the most simplest gifts in life for granted. Where in your life do you need extra nourishment, and what are you doing to nourish your mind, body, and soul?
As I have mentioned in many posts, Healing is a practice. Healing does not come just by saying affirmations, or chakra meditations, there is more to it than that. It’s about taking care of yourself. Taking time to fill YOUR cup.
Now, prayer isn’t only for healing the ill, or for attaining things you want to happen. One of the greatest forms of prayer is expressing gratitude. Even if there is something in your life that is not going the way you want, prayer/meditation can help adjust your mindset and shift your attention to what you do have going for you right now.
Take some time out of today to take care of yourself. Focus on what our soul has been calling for you to do. The full moon as well as the lunar eclipse is all about the energy of release and learning to embrace our inner power. The moon relates to the divine feminine energy, also known as Yin. We all embody masculine/feminine energies (left side of body is feminine, right is masculine). The divine feminine is all about nurturing the soul and being receptive to our needs.
Ancient Traditions of Feminine/Masculine Traits
The full moon in Gemini calls for us to find balance in our lives. We must remember to nurture the physical body too, not just our spiritual and emotional wellbeing (vice versa). If we are ingesting food or chemicals that aren't healthy for us, how do we expect our body to produce good natural energy? Equally important, I know many seek to activate the third eye but are you taking the time to ground, balance, and secure your energy? It is important to nourish and acknowledge ALL parts of you (even your shadow). Find balance within yourself and your life.
"Two sides of a coin exist, but they are both part of the same coin. The two are never separated." - T. Reeds
Allow yourself to take the time to reflect, support, and embrace your physical body, thoughts, emotions, and experiences. If you feel called to do so, share your experiences with others (even us, if you feel comfortable). We all reflect the divine within one another.
Full Moon Release Ritual:
Out with the old, in with the new! Light a candle, grab some crystals if ya have them, let's acknowledge and release whatever energies no longer serve us.
All you need is:
Glass bowl/ Shell/ or Ashtray
*Candle/Incense/Crystals Optional
Write down on a piece of paper a list of all the things you wish to release. This could be trauma, toxic people, habits, whatever no longer serves you of your highest good and is hindering your growth.
What do you want---NEED to let go of? What is keeping you out of balance?
After you write your list, say a prayer of gratitude and express all that you are thankful for. For instance, think of a situation that worked out for the greater good but you may not have seen at the time it happened. Thank the different parts of your body. Call a friend up and express your appreciation. Feel free to get creative with this.
When you are done expressing gratitude burn the list of the energies you wish to release and feel yourself fully surrender to the Universe/Full Moon Energy. Welcome in new energies as you let go of the old.