Make Each Day Purposeful: Choose to Show Up


Hey, I know I haven't posted in a while but I felt called to come on here today to share this message with you. This pandemic has affected us all in many ways, and it's essential that we take the time to turn to our inner world in order to hear what our soul has to say.

For me personally, I was caught up in life and all of its stressors which had lead me to feel sad and unfulfilled. Why? Because I chose to see it that way. I was not listening to my inner compass, instead I was stuck in the same loop of S.S.D.D. (Same Sh*t Different Day). It happens to all of us, and that's why I chose to talk about "Showing Up" today. To choose to show up and do something that makes YOU feel good, something that makes your life feel full of purpose.

Choose to make each day purposeful, for it is a gift. Allow yourself to move with these changes, personally and collectively. Whatever emotions/thoughts you are experiencing let them come and go like waves in the sea; crashing, breaking, and continuously being reborn. For each day you are reborn and given a choice. Choose to show up today. Make that phone call, take a walk in nature, check in with yourself because your soul has been waiting to speak to you.

That's why there's the phrase "soul's calling" because our soul is calling out to us so we can take those steps to move into our divine purpose. We have more than just one purpose too, remember that.

Freedom, Joy, Happiness, is all just a state of mind - T. Reeds

Happy Healing to You All!

Tiffany Reeds