My Growth is a Continuous Process


We, much like the seasons are continuously changing. - T. Reeds

Friends, do not forget how far you have come. Sometimes our minds can get stuck in either the past or future rather than allowing ourselves to be in the present. We question "Why did I do this?" or "Why can't I have that?". It's healthy to have these thoughts but it is not healthy to get stuck in them. Healing is a process, not a race. You may find yourself revisiting your trauma over again, and that is ok because each time you revisit it you ARE a different version of yourself. When we conquer our fears, release unhealthy habits, relationships, etc. life will present more lessons to see how far we've grown and if we truly are ready to leave what no longer serves us behind. New obstacles are also introduced in order for that growth to continue. I call this "New Level, New Devil".

Making progress is still progress, no matter how big or small. Some days may feel really tough, but don't let that cloud your view. Zoom out of the small details, and focus on the big picture for a second. Think of it like this- You're doing a puzzle focusing on each piece and where it will go, but when you take time to zoom out you'll see you are making progress. That picture you are piecing together is coming along, even if it's taking some time. Keep it going. Everything will all come together, even if it may not make sense to you right now.

What are you working on within yourself?

How is your progress? Check-in with yourself.

Check-in. Set achievable goals. Be authentic with yourself. Release what no longer serves you. Call in and welcome the life YOU deserve.

As always, Happy Healing!