Healing Blocked Chakras Using "The Power of Forgiveness"

Why is Forgiveness so Powerful? It's more than just forgiving that which has wronged us---mastering this allows you to also forgive yourself by releasing what no longer serves you. Choose Freedom.

"Whatever is held onto, is carried through" - T. Reeds

How To Use "The Power of Forgiveness":

Step 1. Identify the root. The person or situation that you believe is causing a blockage.

Step 2. Identify the physical, mental, and emotional effects that have resulted from the harm.

Step 3. Evaluate what is in your control and what is not.

Step 4. Switch your FOCUS! Instead of focusing on who or what's to blame tune into yourself and ask How did this situation allow you to understand yourself more? What will you continue to allow and not allow? What is my pain teaching me? Try transmuting the negative into a positive.

Step 5: Choose to be present. Allow yourself to sit in your power instead of focusing solely on the past or future. Know who you are and that the traumatic experience that occurred does NOT define you. You cannot hold space for gratitude if it is occupied by fear.

I personally like to call upon Source, My Spiritual Team (Guides), and Archangel Raphael and Michael to help me release the energy and assist me in the process of healing. Feel free to work with your Spiritual Team, and/or the Higher Power you believe in to help assist you in your process.

Also, when it comes to healing it is completely normal to revisit certain issues more than once. Just keep in mind that each time you revisit the issue you are not the same version of yourself that you were when you first visited.

Hope this resonates.

Happy Healing All!