Heal & Connect with YOUR Throat Chakra through Journaling
The Power of Self Expression
Vishuddha (Throat Chakra), represents communication, self-expression, and speaking your personal truth. Often times, many of us have experienced a person or traumatic event that has affected our throat chakra, which later results in an imbalance/blockage. The energy does not flow through this area effectively, for it is either overactive or underactive.
Is your throat chakra overactive, underactive, or balanced?
How to recognize a balanced and imbalanced throat chakra:
Deficiencies: Underactive Thyroid, Grinding teeth, Throat illnesses, Sore throat, Fear of speaking, and inability to express one's truth.
Excesses: Lying, Bullying, Gossiping, Talking too much or too Loud, Overactive Thyroid, Speaking Ill towards others, and can lead to Overeating/Compulsive behaviors.
Physical Symptoms: Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Nasal Problems, Congestion, Voice loss, Laryngitis, Hearing Issues, Mouth/Teeth Problems, Tinnitus, Tonsillitis, Neck issues, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ), Ear infections, and Upper Arm issues.
Psychological: Habitual Lying, Difficulty communicating with others, Nervousness, Not speaking up for one's self, Problems with decision making, and Harsh criticism of ourselves/others.
Balanced: When this chakra is balanced a person can freely express themselves and their truth, as well as being a wonderful Communicator/Listener.
Now that you have determined whether or not your throat chakra may have an imbalance it is time to work on healing it.
Picture this: If an athlete tears a ligament in their knee--- just taking medicine will not bring them back to full recovery. While medicine may be needed at this time, the best outcome can only be achieved with multidisciplinary intervention. This means that physical therapy should be used in conjunction with medication and possibly surgery.
Similarly, even though affirmations, sound meditations, etc. can be effective for healing the throat chakra, we need to ensure we are digging deeper in identifying, understanding, and working through the trauma. Connecting those inter-dependent "dots" will allow you to turn those open wounds into healed battle scars.
(for those who may inquire, psychic surgery is an option for healing)
Ok, so how will journaling heal the throat chakra?
Writing is a form of self-expression and is one of the greatest tools for enhancing therapy. Writing helps one release emotional pain, heavy burdens, even inner desires without the feeling of being too vulnerable. You control who you share these inner thoughts with.
Need help getting started? Here are some effective journal prompts for healing the throat chakra:
In what aspects of myself am I unwilling to hear the truth?
Do I live my “truth”?
Do my thoughts, words and actions agree?
Am I shy about speaking up because I’m afraid to make a scene?
Do I tend to dominate conversations?
How often do I fail to keep my promises (including being late for appointments)?
Do I use my words to hurt others or to try to empower them?
How transparent are my motives?
Do I often express my thoughts or feelings as being the “Truth”?
What unfinished communication might be creating obstacles in my life?
Am I living in shame? If so, why?
Who am I, really?
What would life look like if I wasn't afraid to express myself?
Am I holding on to something that I need to let go of?
Write inspiring words you need to hear.
Healing is work, but it's worth it.
Happy Healing Everyone!
If you have any questions, seeking guidance, or want to heal each chakra on a more advanced level. You can schedule a mentorship and/or healing session with me, and we can work together to help you move forward on your path. I have worksheets that I have created with journal prompts for all chakras, if interested feel free to email me.
Email: reeds.tiff@gmail.com