Cleansing Kit Instructional

First off, for those of you who have purchased one of my handmade cleansing kits please know that I am very grateful. A large amount of time, effort, and love have gone into making the kits, so I am appreciative to those who have given these tools a home.

This instructional post will provide you with tips and tricks on how you can get started with using your cleansing kit. I will begin by breaking down each item in detail and how you can attain maximum benefits from utilizing these spiritual tools.

This post will include instructions rather than sharing the item description. However, if you would like to read about the details of the items that are included in your kit please visit the shop page and click on the kit you have purchased.

Cleansing Kit Instructions:

  • How to use the Dragons Blood Sage and/or White Sage:

    • Before using make sure that you remove the decorative string, and separate the sage from the crystals, rose petals, and Palo Santo. Make sure NOT to remove the thin string that holds the sage together. After that first step is done, light the sage with a match (a lighter is fine as well, but certain traditions tend to use matches) and set the intention to clear your aura and/or space of any energy that is no longer serving your highest good. Optional: If you have a feather you may use that to help guide and direct the energy out of your space by waving it with the smoke. *Remember to open windows while clearing (or a window closest to where the sun rises over your home, as many Native Americans believe that the sun will carry the unclean air away as it passes over the home). This practice is commonly referred to as “smudging”.

    • After clearing, you may close the window as you begin stating what energy you would like to call in for yourself. Calling energy in AFTER you smudge is important because it sets the overall tone.

  • Palo Santo

    • You may use the Palo Santo in the same way that you use the sage. However, in my opinion, Palo Santo could be used a bit more frequently than the sage. Palo Santo is great for helping increase and raises the energy in a space. It brings in positivity while dispelling any unwanted energies. If you don’t feel like smudging your entire house, Palo Santo would be a great alternative for focusing on a single area.

  • The Selenite and/or Smokey Quartz Crystal

    • The crystals in the kit are already infused with reiki and filled with intention. There isn’t much that you need to do with these items unless you wanted to add your own intentions on top of the crystals.

      • Selenite transmutes and clears the energy of a space, in addition to helping cleanse any other crystals one may have. Selenite helps promote peace, and mental clarity while opening a connection to the higher realms of the Divine due to its representation of purity and spirituality.

        • The best way that you can utilize the selenite stick is either placing some crystals on it to charge or cleanse them. Feel free to put the stick on your tarot or oracle cards as well to cleanse the deck. You may also use it as a way to release energy and cleanse your aura. You can do this by starting at the top of your head and visualizing yourself brushing the stagnant energy down your body with the stick. Allow yourself to visualize that you are clearing away any stagnant energy in your auric field.

      • If you are someone who struggles to release old patterns, thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, then the Smokey quartz is the crystal for you. This crystal is known to welcome higher loving energies while keeping your energy grounded at the same time. It also can assist in relieving the symptoms of depression, and anxiety by bringing a sense of calm and serenity into our beings. Smokey quartz also helps with improving communication, providing security within oneself, and improving intuition.

        • You may carry the smokey quartz crystal on you, especially in places or around certain people where you would like to have energetic protection. I don’t recommend letting others touch your crystal.

  • Holy Water

    • The use of Holy water is to protect a person, place, object, pet, or home from negative influences. You can choose to put the Holy Water on the soles of your feet, back of the neck, and wrists as these are energy centers that are extremely sensitive. Holy Water can also be used to cleanse and bless your home. Feel free to add the Holy Water to your bath to help cleanse and purify your energetic field.

  • Blessed Salt

    • Blessed salt in many traditions works similarly to Holy Water in cleansing a person, place, object, etc. Salt is known to be extremely powerful in working to cleanse one’s energetic field and protect them from unwanted energies. One may use it in a bath, sprinkle some at their windows and doors, cleanse their crystals, carry it on their person, etc. It is not recommended to consume the Blessed Salt or Holy Water.

  • The Votive Candle

    • Has also been infused with prayers to Mother Mary, and St. Michael, the energy of Reiki, as well as other powerful intentions. Use it during meditation, prayer, or even on days that feel a bit more stressful. The candle is to help you feel more comforted on your path and provide you with love from the Divine.

  • St. Michael and Mother Mary Prayer Cards

    • Are to help you connect and take comfort in the energies of the Divine as you call upon the higher realms for assistance.

  • Rose Petals

    • A nice touch to the package as roses are considered to be the flower associated with the Virgin Mary. Roses represent beauty, the divine feminine, passion, sacrifice, holiness, and divine love.

      • Feel free to decorate your altar with them, or add them to a spiritual bath along with the Blessed Salt and Holy Water.

If you have any questions regarding the kits or how to use them please feel free to send me an email, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

I hope that these cleansing kits help bring you peace, joy, clarity, and comfort from the higher realms.

Tiffany Reeds