The "Healing Wings of Light"

I was in meditation when AA Gabriel appeared to me with a message regarding the “Healing Wings of Light”. Within a minute I had the entire visualization and exercise channeled on paper. The “Healing Wings of Light” is something EASY that anyone can tap into and do.

What it is: The “Healings Wings of Light” is considered to be a channeled exercise that helps clear, protect, and invoke peace within one’s energy field.

If you find yourself feeling incredibly stressed, fearful, etc. you may invoke the “Healing Wings of Light” to help clear and stabilize your energy.

Now you don’t have to be an advanced energy worker or medium to utilize this technique, as the “Healing Wings of Light” can be done by anyone and everyone.

How to do it: Begin this exercise by placing your hands in a prayer position, thumbs touching your heart, and taking 3 deep breaths. Imagine that a beautiful golden cord is coming out of your heart chakra and linking up to the Angelic realm. If you have a specific angel you would like to connect with, feel free to link with that angel. Then kindly state: “I invoke the ‘Healing Wings of Light’ to cleanse, and clear any energetic imbalances occurring in my energy field at this time. Whatever is causing me to feel (insert emotion here) I release that energy to the Angels and ask them to replace it with peace”.

Then envision beautiful wings of light enveloping you in their embrace. Allow yourself to hear the gentle flapping as they clear out any major and minor chakras that aren’t flowing properly at this time. Let yourself surrender to the Angels what has been tugging at you and weighing you down emotionally. Visualize each stressor being removed and replaced with pure light.

When you’re ready, close by stating “Thank you Angels for providing me with the ‘Healing Wings of Light’ to cleanse and clear my energy as I return to the highest vibration of love”.

Pay attention to how you feel while doing the exercise. Notice if you feel any sensations of warmth, or even receive what I refer to as “Spirit Bumps” aka goosebumps.

You may also use the “Healing Wings of Light” to protect your energy as well. State “I invoke the ‘Healing Wings of Light’ to protect my energy from any lower influences at this time”, then envision wings of light wrapping your aura (energy field) tightly. If you’d like to ask AA Michael to assist you with this process, that works too. Close by thanking the Angels for their service and protection.

This is a simple exercise that you may refer to at any time. The Angelics are always there to help assist you in times of need.

Thanks for reading!

For those who are interested in learning more, you can book a session (Mediumship, Energetic Body Scan, and/or Distance Reiki/Energetic Healing) with me by clicking the services tab found at the top of the page. First-time clients receive a discount of 15% off their session (use code “REEDS22”, which varies depending on the service). If you have any questions feel free to contact me through the website.

I would love to connect with you.

Many blessings!

- T. Reeds

Tiffany Reeds