Wisdom from The Higher Self

As we progress on our healing journey, many of us become more aware of what is healthy for our energy and what is not. Growing more into alignment causes us to reevaluate and adjust our lifestyle, relationships, career, etc. 

Here is a simple practice that I want to share with you that is extremely powerful. 

If you find yourself wanting to forgive or to mend an unhealthy relationship (this could be family, ex-partner, ex-friend, etc.), but KNOW that deep down inside it is not a healthy connection for you at this time you can simply connect with the person’s higher self. Yes, this technique truly works. 

Our higher self is always working behind the scenes in helping co-create the life we are experiencing. Picture a version of yourself up in the astral writing bigger plans for you. The higher self has a much greater understanding of the lessons we need to learn in the physical realm. However, ultimately it is up to us to decide how to handle these divine lessons, and if we choose to grow from them.  

Sometimes depending on what path a person is on, they may find themselves feeling quite disconnected from their higher self. Thus, creating a more difficult path for themselves and others along the way. 

If you find that certain relationships are becoming more draining, work as a “one-way” street, are abusive, etc. know that you do not have to carry these burdens any longer. Instead, choose where you direct your energy, and continue to set healthy boundaries. 

Setting healthy boundaries may be difficult to do at first. Sometimes it makes us “miss”, try to “understand”, and want to give the other person another chance. These feelings occur when we reminisce on the good times, come to accept unhealthy dynamics, or just feel sad that the outcome of a relationship turned out the way that it did. We make excuses for them, and can even find ourselves identifying as the “fixer”

One of the biggest lessons you may find that you need to learn is that you cannot change, or fix anyone other than yourself. A person must want to change and take responsibility for their own actions and behaviors. A hard truth, that even took me a while to learn. 

Thus, why connecting to a person’s higher self and sending them love, forgiveness, and acceptance, from afar is much healthier on both ends. 

Steps on how to connect with another person’s higher self & find release: 

Step 1: Find a cozy atmosphere. Get comfortable, and begin focusing on your breathing. I recommend doing this practice in silence as you are able to truly feel the energy coming in. 

Step 2: Envision the person and ask your spiritual council (guides, angels, ancestors, etc.) to assist you in this session. Then say aloud or in your head that you invite (person’s full name)’s higher self to this session. If you are having trouble, just release any expectations and ask your guides for help. 

Step 3: Become aware of the energy that surrounds you. Pay attention to the way it feels. Invoke love, healing, forgiveness, and any other energies that you feel called to. Pay attention to any visuals, or sensations that occur. Then when you are ready state the message you would like to relay to the other person. It could be anything like “I forgive and accept the situation that occurred between us. However, it is healthier for both of us at this time to keep a distance in the physical realm”. This may be emotionally triggering, so make sure you are ready for this connection. You can choose to be stern, send love, or do whatever feels right to you at that time. You can even be honest, and state “you are not ready to forgive, but you will not carry the weight of the relationship any longer”. That is ok too. 

Step 4: When you feel you’ve made your connection, and got out what you wanted to communicate, you can simply state that you are closing the session now. Feel free to ask your guides, your higher self, etc. to help you close down and release the energy of the other person. You can even envision cutting a cord that detaches both of you. You may ask Archangel Michael for assistance in releasing if needed. After, bring your attention back to your breath once again and become aware of the touch of your seat. Take as much time as you need before you get up and moving again. Be sure to drink plenty of water as well. Listen to your body and its needs. 

Side note: I will say sometimes a practice like this may cause the person in the physical realm to reach out, or do something to get your attention. Remember, you do not have to engage and it is probably best you do not, especially if the relationship remains unhealthy. Trust your intuition on reading the situation for what it is. Are they working on change, or is this now a test from your higher self to see if you truly learned one of your many lessons?! 

You may even work with salt if you feel called to cleanse and protect the room around you prior to this session. I do recommend cleansing before and after the session.

Also, pay attention to your dreams in the coming days, or weeks after you’ve done this. Does the other person’s higher self have a message they want to share with you? What does your higher self have to say? Make sure to journal if any dreams stick out after this connection. 

Dreams tend to hold messages from our subconscious mind, and can help be a great way in understanding how our higher self communicates with us. 

Thanks for reading!

For those who are interested in learning more, you can book a session (Spiritual Mentorship, Energetic Body Scan, and/or Reiki/Energetic Healing) with me by clicking the services tab found at the top of the page. First-time clients receive a discount of 15% off their session (use code “REEDS22”, which varies depending on the service). If you have any questions feel free to contact me through the website.

I would love to connect with you.

Happy Healing!

- T. Reeds

Tiffany Reeds