Shielding Your Chakras

Open or Closed

I have been asked by many of my clients whether or not their chakras are closed down, and if so what can they do about it. In my experience, I find that chakras are energy centers that are always open and it simply depends on the flow of energy that is moving throughout the chakra. However, it is possible to “close down” these energy centers by shielding them. This shielding technique is to help psychics, mediums, healers, and empaths protect their energy, as well as to keep them grounded in the physical world.

Shielding Your Chakras

Many of you are familiar with the 7 basic chakras, and how these powerful psychic centers are closely connected to the energy body (auric field). When a person's chakras are healthy energy travels freely in and out of these vortex centers. When the chakras become unhealthy, all types of imbalances begin to occur as the energy is not flowing as it should. Imbalanced chakras lead to an unhealthy energetic field. From my understanding, as energy transmits and an issue arises it will work its way to the different layers of the aura. As an example, if an issue is being processed in the mental aspect of the aura, the energy will eventually work its way down to the physical layer and may present itself as a physical manifestation, such as disease.

If you are just starting out or perhaps want to learn another way to protect your energetic field, “Shielding the Chakras” is a great technique to add to your spiritual tool belt.

Now there are a couple of ways you can do this:

1st Exercise

To guard your lower energy centers such as your root and/or sacral chakras you can begin by crossing your legs or folding your hands on your lap.

To guard your solar plexus and heart chakra you should cross your arms (some people naturally do this when in a conflict, or around a person that makes them feel uncomfortable).

To guard your throat chakra lower your chin. Also, the back of the neck is extremely sensitive, do not allow someone to touch this area if you do not want their energy. Many people touch this center as a sign of dominance and to have power over a person. If someone does do this to you, grab their arm or wrist and set the intention that you are directing their energy right back to them.

To guard your third eye stare into someone’s left eye, as that is the receptive eye, or simply soften your gaze to the middle of their forehead, not making direct eye contact. You may also place your hand on your forehead.

To guard your crown simply envision a beautiful stream of white or golden light flourishing down this center and flowing throughout each of your chakras.

2nd Exercise

The second exercise is quite simple. You will just want to envision a silver or dark blue shield covering each and every one of these energy centers. You may even envision a mirror on the front of the shield to direct energy back out. Starting at the crown begin working your way down to the root and continue to envision a strong protective shield over your chakras. If you have trouble visualizing, then I would simply suggest referring to the first exercise, or taking a hematite crystal and pretending to lock each chakra with a “key” (turning in a clockwise direction). Think of the “turning the key” method as if you are locking your front door to keep your home secure.

To Conclude:

Overall, there are many techniques that you can conduct in order to protect your energy. The more consistent you are with this practice the stronger base you will have to shield your energy centers.

For those who are interested in learning more, you can book a session (Spiritual Mentorship, Energetic Body Scan, and/or Reiki/Energetic Healing) with me by clicking the services tab found at the top of the page. First-time clients receive a discount of 15% off their session (use code “REEDS22”, which varies depending on the service). If you have any questions feel free to contact me through the website.

I would love to connect with you.

Happy Healing!

- T. Reeds

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Tiffany Reeds