End of 2020 Full Moon Collective Message (Word of The Year?!)

End of 2020 Full Moon Collective Message


Collectively we are learning to acknowledge and embrace the divine feminine energies. This means that more people are/will be experiencing awakenings and will continuously find themselves becoming more in touch with their intuitive and emotional sides. Many will find that suppressing emotions or trauma will no longer work for them, and they will have to face the problems they've been running from. We are slowly moving into an age where we will be pushed to work together as a community and begin to work through the shadow parts of not only our souls but our world as well.

2020 has brought a significant amount of changes that have affected us all. Because of the shifts occurring many of us have been/or are being pulled to take a different path. The movement you are/will be experiencing in your life can be positive if you’re willing to change your perspective.

As 2021 approaches, it is time to take responsibility for your life and your emotions. You have the power to CHANGE. You have the power to welcome in new uplifting energies for the New Year. You have the power to CREATE the life you want. However, first, you must be willing to release what no longer serves you, and to find peace in your trauma by utilizing the “Power of Forgiveness”. The Universe says get ready to take a leap of faith in the coming year of 2021!


At the end of the year, I personally like to pick a word for the New Year. Choosing a word of the year is similar to setting an intention, for it embodies what you want to manifest in your life. When picking a word of the year you want to take time to reflect on what you would like to attract or feel you need more of in your life. My suggestion is to make a list of your goals and see if you can recognize a pattern/main idea of what your soul wants to call in. Meditation can help with finding a word as well! Take your time and listen to your intuition when picking a word. Choosing a word of the Year is fun, and it gives you something to reflect upon at the end of each year.

Happy Healing Everyone,

T. Reeds

To Learn More About “The Power of Forgiveness”: https://www.innerworkingsofthesoul.com/new-blog/healing-blocked-chakras-using-the-power-of-forgiveness

Tiffany Reeds